


隐私獾是一个浏览器扩展程序,它可以阻止广告商和其他第三方跟踪器秘密跟踪您去哪里,以及您在网上看什么网页。 如果一个广告商似乎在未经您允许的情况下在多个网站上跟踪您,隐私獾会自动阻止该广告商在您的浏览器中加载更多内容。 对广告商来说,您就像突然消失了一样。




How does Privacy Badger work?

When you view a webpage, that page will often be made up of content from many different sources. (For example, a news webpage might load the actual article from the news company, ads from an ad company, and the comments section from a different company that’s been contracted out to provide that service.) Privacy Badger keeps track of all of this. If as you browse the web, the same source seems to be tracking your browser across different websites, then Privacy Badger springs into action, telling your browser not to load any more content from that source. And when your browser stops loading content from a source, that source can no longer track you. Voila!

At a more technical level, Privacy Badger keeps note of the “third party” domains that embed images, scripts and advertising in the pages you visit. Privacy Badger looks for tracking techniques like uniquely identifying cookies, local storage “supercookies,” and canvas fingerprinting. If it observes a single third-party host tracking you on three separate sites, Privacy Badger will automatically disallow content from that third-party tracker.

By default, Privacy Badger receives periodic learning updates from Badger Sett, our Badger training project. This “remote learning” automatically discovers trackers present on thousands of the most popular sites on the Web. Privacy Badger no longer learns from your browsing by default, as “local learning” may make you more identifiable to websites. You may want to opt back in to local learning if you regularly browse less popular websites. To do so, visit your Badger’s options page and mark the checkbox for learning to block new trackers from your browsing.


当您访问一个网页时,该网页的部分内容可能来自您要求访问的域和服务器之外。这是超文本的一个基本特征。在现代网络上,嵌入的图像和代码经常使用cookies和其他方法来跟踪您的浏览习惯–通常是为了显示广告。这样做的域名被称为 “第三方跟踪器”,您可以阅读更多关于它们如何工作的信息这里











这有什么区别?拒绝追踪的目的是告诉公司您不希望被以任何方式追踪(了解更多关于 “追踪”的含义这里)。隐私獾通过采用我们的DNT政策给第三方公司一个遵守DNT的机会,并阻止似乎无论如何都在跟踪您的公司。










隐私獾 确实 包含一个“黄名单”,其中包括一些已知提供基本第三方资源的网站;这些网站显示为黄色,其cookies被阻止,而不是完全被阻止。这是对实用性的妥协,从长远来看,我们希望随着这些第三方开始明确承诺尊重不跟踪,逐步取消黄名单。将一个域名列入黄名单的标准可以在这里找到。





Will you be supporting any other browsers besides Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Opera?

We are working towards Safari on macOS support. Safari on iOS seems to lack certain extension capabilities required by Privacy Badger to function properly.

Chrome on Android does not support extensions. To use Privacy Badger on Android, install Firefox for Android.

Privacy Badger does not work with Microsoft Edge Legacy. Please switch to the new Microsoft Edge browser. Note that Microsoft Edge does not support extensions on mobile devices.


如果您使用谷歌浏览器,您必须从Chrome网上应用店安装扩展程序。要在Chrome浏览器中安装隐私獾,请访问隐私獾 - Chrome网上应用店并点击那里的 “添加到Chrome “按钮。


I run a domain that uses cookies or other tracking. How do I stop Privacy Badger from blocking me?

One way is to stop tracking users who have turned on Global Privacy Control or Do Not Track signals (i.e., stop collecting cookies, supercookies or fingerprints from them). Privacy Badger will stop learning to block that domain. The next version of Privacy Badger to ship with an updated pre-trained list will no longer include that domain in the list. Most Privacy Badger users will then update to that list.

You can also unblock yourself by promising to meaningfully respect the Do Not Track signal. To do so, post a verbatim copy of EFF’s Do Not Track policy to the URL https://example.com/.well-known/dnt-policy.txt, where “example.com” is replaced by your domain. Posting EFF’s DNT policy on a domain is a promise of compliance with EFF’s DNT Policy by that domain.

If your domain is compliant with EFF’s DNT policy and declares this compliance, most Privacy Badgers will see this declaration the next time they encounter your domain. Also, the next version of Privacy Badger to ship with an updated pre-trained list will probably include your declaration of compliance in the list.

Note that the domain must support HTTPS, to protect against tampering by network attackers. The path contains “.well-known” per RFC 5785. Also note that you must post a copy of the policy at each compliant subdomain you control. For example, if you wish to declare compliance by both sub1.example.com and sub2.example.com, you must post EFF’s DNT policy on each domain.


很高兴您问了这个问题! 请看我们整理的可下载的新闻资料



What is the Privacy Badger license? Where is the Privacy Badger source code?

Privacy Badger’s source code is licensed under GPLv3+. This website’s source code is licensed under AGPLv3+.


感谢您的提问! 个人捐款约占EFF支持的一半,这使我们能够自由地开展以用户为中心的项目。如果您想支持隐私獾和其他类似项目的发展,帮助建立一个更安全的互联网生态系统,您可以在这里给我们捐几美元。再次感谢您。





火狐浏览器:请参阅卸载附加组件 Mozilla帮助页面。

Chrome浏览器:请参阅安装和管理扩展程序 Chrome网上应用店帮助页面。

Edge:请查阅在 Microsoft Edge 中查找、添加或删除扩展 Microsoft 帮助页面。






Is Privacy Badger compatible with Firefox's built-in privacy protections?

It’s fine to use Firefox’s built-in content blocking (Enhanced Tracking Protection or ETP) and Privacy Badger together. While there is overlap between Firefox’s tracker lists and Privacy Badger, Privacy Badger automatically learns to block trackers based on their behavior. This means that Privacy Badger’s automatically-generated and regularly updated blocklist contains trackers not found in Firefox’s human-generated lists. Additionally, Firefox does not fully block “tracking content” in regular (non-“private”) windows by default.

What about Firefox’s Total Cookie Protection (dynamic First Party Isolation or dFPI)? Total Cookie Protection works by keeping third-party cookies isolated to the site they were set on. However, if unblocked, trackers can still use techniques like first-party cookie syncing and browser fingerprinting. They can track your IP address, or they can use some combination of these techniques. Trackers harvest sensitive information, and serve as vectors for malware. Not to mention, unblocked trackers slow down websites and waste your bandwidth.

Keep in mind that Privacy Badger is not just a tracker blocker.





当您安装隐私獾时,您的浏览器警告说隐私獾可以 “访问您所有网站的数据”(在火狐中,或在Chrome中 “读取和更改您访问的网站上的所有数据”)。您感到震惊是对的。您应该只安装由您信任的组织制作的扩展。



Why aren't videos loading on YouTube? Why isn't Privacy Badger blocking ads on YouTube?

Is YouTube not working? Try disabling Privacy Badger on YouTube. If that resolves the issue, see if re-enabling Privacy Badger breaks YouTube again. If YouTube goes back to not working, please tell us so we can look into what’s going on.

Are you surprised that ads aren’t being blocked on YouTube? Privacy Badger is primarily a privacy tool, not an ad blocker. When you visit YouTube directly, Privacy Badger does not block ads on YouTube because YouTube does not use “third party” trackers. If you really dislike ads, you can also install a traditional ad blocker.

I need help! I found a bug! What do I do now?

If a website isn’t working like it should, you can disable Privacy Badger just for that site, leaving Privacy Badger enabled and protecting you everywhere else. To do so, navigate to the site with the problem, click on Privacy Badger’s icon in your browser toolbar, and click the “Disable for this site” button in Privacy Badger’s popup. You can also let us know about broken sites using the “Report broken site” button.

To get help or to report bugs, please email extension-devs@eff.org. If you have a GitHub account, you can use our GitHub issue tracker.

You can also find us on Mastodon at @privacybadger@mastodon.social.